MBCB | Mobilidade de Baixo Carbono para o Brasil

The Low-Carbon Mobility Cooperation Agreement for Brazil (MBCB in Portuguese) is an initiative that aims to promote the transition to low-carbon mobility in the Brazilian transport industry, respecting the technological neutrality and fomenting the neo-industrialization.

Our group stands out for bringing together the entire mobility chain – the country’s main automakers, companies and entities in the sugar-energy and biogas industry, systemists and auto parts industries, technology and engineering associations and entities, after-sales and trade unions – in a great task force to reduce carbon emissions from light and heavy vehicles, whether they are cars, buses, trucks, agricultural or construction machinery.

Brazil has a great potential to lead the energy transition in transport, taking advantage of its natural resources and its experience in biofuels. To do this, it is necessary to support the feasible decarbonization of transport in Brazil using all available low-carbon solutions. Brazil can reduce its CO² emissions in transport by supporting bioelectric neo-industrialization, thus generating jobs and income, while strengthening its global competitiveness.

No que acreditamos



At the same time the world is in search of solutions for the energy transition, Brazil has a privileged position as it is one of the largest global producers of biofuels and can use this potential for a feasible decarbonization, having already adopted technologies to considerably reduce the emissions of its current and future fleet.



By investing in combining biofuels with electrification, i.e. creating flex-hybrid engines, Brazil is also emerging as an export hub for other countries looking for low-carbon solutions. Brazil is also leading the way in developing new technologies for the use of biomethane and green hydrogen in transport.



MBCBrasil’s mobility chain accounts for approximately 5% of the country’s GDP, and we want to continue to be a global benchmark both in terms of technology and sustainability in transport. However, in order to achieve a fair energy transition, we need to ensure that the workforce is prepared to deal with the transformations brought about by neo-industrialization, through appropriate training and education, not only safeguarding the existing jobs, but also generating new employment opportunities.

Our purpose

We believe in all the competitive advantages and potential that make Brazil a key player in the global decarbonization process. While the world is looking for solutions to address the energy transition, Brazil ranks among the largest producers of biofuels globally.

We are proud of our competitive advantages and our potential to contribute to the environment and sustainable development. Our biofuels, such as ethanol, biogas, biomethane and biodiesel, and our upcoming potential for producing green hydrogen and new hybrid vehicle technologies provide innovative solutions for the current and future mobility.

Our shared mission is to use all available low-carbon solutions for clean, economical and socially responsible mobility.